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Angel Chapter 9

It was her turn for disrobing again, and she turned her back on Bob. "Unzip my dress for me, and unhook my bra," she instructed him, which he did, quite deftly.

Angel pulled her arms from her sleeves and let the dress hang loosely around her hips. As she usually enjoyed doing, especially with a new partner, she held the cups of her bra over her breasts, wanting to put on a small show after she turned around to face him. For a brief moment, she kept the gorgeous mounds covered until she spread her arms, putting them on display, and smiling as she did. Angel was aware that some T-girls wore padded bras or had their breasts surgically enlarged, but hers had never had any enhancement, and she hadn't worn any kind of falsies for some time. She further put her succulent globes on display by rolling her shoulders, letting the twin treasures sway and bounce in their unfettered, proudly natural state.

As every one of her previous sex partners had done, Bob reached out to cup the lovely orbs and leaned down to lick one of the nipples. He was gratified to find it already erect under his tongue, and he licked the other pink nubbin, which was in the same happy state. After a few seconds, she stepped away and pulled the bed coverings off, leaving only the bottom sheet. Hoping to either go with a man to his home or bring one back to her flat after the dance, Angel had changed the bed that evening, because she liked to make a good impression.

"I really like what you're doing, but it's even better when we're lying down." Before following through on her suggestion, Angel pushed her knit dress down to the floor, rolled her stockings down her legs, and added those garments to the same chair. Smiling an invitation, she stood naked in front of Bob, before mounting the bed and lying on her back, her arms and legs spread and her clit pointing straight up at the ceiling, as she waited for him to join her.

He didn't make her wait very long. Still wearing his pants and shoes, Bob climbed onto the bed and knelt beside her. Once again, he cupped a luscious breast in either hand and started licking one of them. Angel's nipples were even stiffer, and he could even feel the tiny, hard ridges under his tongue. Greedily, he switched back and forth between the delectable nubbins, while her hand groped for his belt and fly.

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