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Angel Chapter 9

Every one of those times had been fun, but the erection tantalizing her pubic area that night seemed to be bigger than anything that she had previously felt on a dance floor. There was no reasonable way to tell while in public, but she believed it was bigger than any that had ever been in her pussy either, and Angel definitely wanted to go for a new personal best.

Having finished her part of the evening, there was no pressing reason why she had to stay around, and there was an excellent reason why she should leave. Angel reached between herself and Bob and, while smiling up at him, fondled that reason. When she wrapped her hand around his cock through his pants, she was amazed at its thickness, and it seemed to be growing, even as she lightly squeezed. Coyness had never been a part of Angel's personality. She knew what she wanted, and she went after it.

"Do you have any plans for this big thing tonight?" she asked her partner.

"I want to do the same thing with it as I think you do."

"Do you have a flat nearby? And a car?"

"I have a car, but I've been staying in a hotel."

"My flat is just a few blocks away, if you want to go there with me." Even as she spoke, Angel's hand was massaging Bob's thick shaft, which seemed to be getting bigger and harder by the minute. She wasn't even sure that her pussy would be able to accommodate something that size, but she certainly wanted to try.

He liked the idea too. "My car is out in the parking lot." Bob steered Angel toward the front entrance and, while the other couples continued dancing, opened the door for her.

The small anteroom was lined with coats hanging on racks, and Bob put his on, held Angel's while she slipped into it, and opened the exterior door for her. He led the way his to his rental car and opened that door as well. Less than a minute later, they were on the street and on their way to Angel's flat. She rode in the seat beside him, with her hand resting on his thigh. Had the trip been longer, it would have been prowling inside his pants and undergarments but she decided, for the sake of safety if nothing else, to wait the few minutes the drive required. There would be plenty of time for fondling and a lot more once they were safely inside her flat with the door securely locked.

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