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Tony to Tanya Part 2

"Don't worry," Sarah's responded. "It's just me. Nobody else is home."

"Right," Tony said, feeling like an idiot. His parents would be at work and his sister would be out with the friends she hadn't seen since her last holiday from college. "I forgot that nobody would be in at this time."

Sarah walked into the bathroom and looked around the shower curtain. Her eyes wandered Tony's body and she noticed his erection.

"Excited about today, eh?" she asked with a sly grin.

Tony blushed slightly. He was comfortable with being naked in front of Sarah, and he was comfortable with what had transpired on Tuesday. But for some reason, admitting being excited about the day's planned shopping was slightly embarrassing. Instead of saying anything he just nodded.

"Well, we can't have you walking around with a raging hard-on, now can we?" Sarah asked, sounding amused. "Unless you want people to know you're cross-dressing?"

Tony shook his head vehemently. He didn't want people to know that. He wanted his life to be without people automatically thinking he was gay, which he was certain most of his friends would do if they were to find out.

"Then you'd best make sure that goes down before we go out." She told him. "Wash yourself with this hair-and-body wash and use some conditioner, your hair's long enough for you to not need a wig." She added.

She left to have breakfast, leaving Tony to wash himself as she told him to. He had to be able to pass as a girl in scent as well as looks, after all.

When he'd finished showering, Tony went downstairs wrapped in a towel and made himself a bowl of cereal. He went to eat it in front of the TV where Sarah was eating her own breakfast and watching a sitcom.

While he was eating, Tony kept giving Sarah side-long glances. She didn't seem to notice, or if she did, she didn't show it.

He was starting to get nervous about today's plans. He'd be out, dressed as a girl, and with England's weather, the skirt he'd be wearing would probably be caught in anything from a strong breeze to a strong wind. That would probably expose him to everybody in the vicinity.

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