Free Stories

"Jess, Jess, j'ai besoin que tu m'aides à porter les courses." Jess gémit et, coupable, il souhaita que sa mère demande à quelqu'un d'autre de l'aider. Il voulait juste regarder toutes les autres filles sissy sur Twitter et obtenir son petit « excitation » dur. Il desc... Read full Story
Feriengruss 22.07.24
Erneut ging es ins Cruisingworld Kirchberg. Eine herzliche Begrüssung, ab in die Garderobe und dann unter die Dusche. Bereits beim Eintreten hörte ich ein paar bekannte Laute. Als ich beim Zimmer mit der runden Liege vorbei gehen wollte, um an die Bar zu kommen, war kein Durchkommen mehr. Vom Innere... Read full Story
domingo, 5 de febrero de 2017 RAQUEL Hoy quiero hablar de un día muy importante mi vida. El día que conocí a Raquel. Estaba en casa leyendo el periódico y, como siempre, miré la sección de anuncios por palabras para ver si había algún trabajo interesante, de pronto me encontré que, en la secció... Read full Story
Wenn ich so nachdenke und Tagträume Wär schon geil Du gibst mir was Pulver zum locker werden und was zu rauchen . Wir quatschen und ich lall nur noch rum so zu bin ich. Das nutzt du sofort aus und fängst an mich auszuziehen ,sagst, komm duschen , ich torkel hinter dir her ins Bad . Du seifst mich ü... Read full Story
Wenn ich so nachdenke und Tagträume Wär schon geil Du gibst mir was Pulver zum locker werden und was zu rauchen . Wir quatschen und ich lall nur noch rum so zu bin ich. Das nutzt du sofort aus und fängst an mich auszuziehen ,sagst, komm duschen , ich torkel hinter dir her ins Bad . Du seifst mich ü... Read full Story
Die Geburt von Isabella -Teil 1
Schon so lange ich mich erinnern kann, finde ich Damenbekleidung interessant. Ich war fasziniert von Frauen die adrett gekleidet durch die Fußgängerzone stöckelten oder schöne Kleider trugen. Mit dem Einsetzen der Pubertät entdeckte ich allerdings eine ganz neue Neigung. Ich begann die Wäsche un... Read full Story
Panty Boy de Samantha
En me réveillant avec l'odeur du bacon et des œufs, j'ai regardé l'horloge qui clignotait à 7h30 et pendant une seconde j'ai pensé que j'allais être en retard au travail. Me souvenant que c'était samedi matin, je me suis levé, j'ai mis mon peignoir et me suis dirigé vers la cuisine. Ma belle épouse ... Read full Story
Ma copine m'a fait une poule mouillée
Quand j'avais 18 ans, malgré ma timidité et ne pas être en tout cas incroyablement attirante, je me suis en quelque sorte retrouvé une petite amie de 2 ans plus âgée que moi. J'étais alors assez petit pour un garçon, vers 5'7 et très mince n'ayant pas encore développé beaucoup de muscle. J'avais les... Read full Story
Le choix parfait
Andrew avait emménagé avec Hannah il y a quelques mois et jusqu'à présent, tout se passait comme elle le souhaitait. Elle était une allumeuse sans fin; porter des jupes courtes et des robes quand ils étaient dehors pendant la journée ou de minuscules shorts et débardeurs lorsqu'ils étaient ensemble ... Read full Story
Quand j’ai commencé l’université, à 18 ans, je me souviens d’avoir volé au moins trois paires de culottes et un soutien-gorge dans la lessive de ma sœur. Elle avait trois ans de plus que moi, et toujours si secrète sur ses voies. Elle a passé beaucoup de temps à l’école étant donné qu’elle était sur... Read full Story
HypnoSissy partie 3
GROSSE BITE DE NERD Le lendemain, je me suis réveillé excité et affamé. Je voulais plus de bite et plus de sperme. Je me suis rappelé la nuit dernière et sucé cinq bites: en particulier ce gros coq noir et, bien que j'aurais voulu pouvoir oublier, le gros coq nerd d'Eugene. Je ne pouvais p... Read full Story
HypnoSissy partie 5
SUCER ECLESIASTIQUE Dimanche après-midi, je faisais mes devoirs d'école, j'essayais de me sortir de ma tête le baptême de jerk du cercle d'hier soir, ainsi que l'inconnu qui m'avait donné sa carte ... qui ne portait qu'un numéro ... pas de nom ... pas d'adresse ... pas d'affaire. Donc, même s... Read full Story
Embarrassé par ma mère
Oh mon Dieu! Je ne peux pas croire ce qui vient de se passer. J'étais tout habillé avec mes sous-vêtements sexy, bas noirs, porte-jarretelles, string en dentelle et talons quand j'ai vu ma mère et mon père se garer dehors dans la voiture. J'ai paniqué et j'ai enlevé mes talons très rapidement et j'a... Read full Story
Ado est forcé à poule mouillée
Ma première fois avec un autre homme était quand j'avais 18 ans à la fin des années 80. Ma copine était vierge et le plus loin nous sommes allés baiser et frotter avec nos vêtements. J'emmènerais mes magazines sales là où nous habitions dans les bois et enlèverais tous mes vêtements et me mastur... Read full Story
Il y a près de deux ans, ma vie a pris une tournure radicalement différente et je réalise maintenant que la personne que j'étais est partie pour toujours et que c'est peut-être la meilleure chose qui aurait pu m'arriver. Ma femme Denise et moi sommes mariés depuis environ six ans. Pendan... Read full Story
Tout a commencé avec la récession. De nulle part, l'économie s'est effondrée et ma femme Suzie et moi avons été licenciés en l'espace d'une semaine. En un instant, nous serions passés de vivre la grande vie avec nos deux revenus sans enfants à compter sur nos maigres économies pour p... Read full Story
Cela ressemblait un peu à de la prostitution, mais elle était convaincue que c'était le seul moyen pour elle de payer ses études. Elle était assise dans un bureau chic, à côté d'une femme professionnelle bien habillée. Sa famille n'était pas aisée et la seule option pour payer ses étu... Read full Story
« Suspendu ? Comment ça, je suis suspendu ? » dit Alina. "Je n'ai pas vraiment le choix. Zut, je pense que je suis gentil de ne pas vous dénoncer à la police. Vous l'avez mise enceinte pour l'amour de Dieu", a déclaré le principal Pulcher. "Mais je n'ai jamais été s... Read full Story
Lisa Une fille timide de 20 ans avec de longs cheveux, de beaux seins, une chatte humide et un gros secret sous la forme d'une bite géante. Elle a vécu une vie protégée mais est bientôt en route vers un nouveau monde de sexe lesbien. Marie Médecin de plus de 40 ans spécialisée dans les ... Read full Story
C'est ma première année à la fac, et c'est déjà devenu l'enfer à cause du harcèlement. Mon tyran Jordan se moque toujours de mon corps. J'avais atteint la puberté tard au lycée, et quand elle est arrivée, je n'ai pas vécu le changement impossible que les autres ont fait. Au lieu de cela, j'ai des ép... Read full Story
💘 SES CADEAUX ⚧️ ⚧️ ⚧️
Elle lui réservait plusieurs surprises... Nous venions de rentrer du mariage d'un ami. Ils ont organisé une belle cérémonie sur un terrain de golf sous des arbres, puis une fête à l'intérieur du club house. C'était un bar ouvert et ils avaient engagé un groupe. Nous avons passé la majeure partie ... Read full Story
Permettez-moi de commencer par le début. Je vais raconter ça comme ça s'est passé, comme je l'ai vu à l'époque. Vous n'avez pas à le croire - si je ne l'avais pas vécu, je ne le croirais pas. Je m'appelle Lee et je suis arrivé à l'université à 17 ans, mais j'ai eu 18 ... Read full Story
💞 MICHELLE 💞 Je n'ai pas réussi assez bien à l'école pour aller à l'université, alors je me suis retrouvé à dix-huit ans et au chômage. Je n'étais pas assez fort physiquement pour faire certains boulots et j'étais trop timide pour les autres, alors après Dieu... Read full Story
Feriengruss 18.07.24
Um ähnliches, wie im folgenden Bericht, mit mir zu erleben, ist es notwendig, dass man sich sehr gut kennt. Alle Handlungen sind miteinander abgesprochen und es ist beidseitig ein tiefes Vertrauen vorhanden. Nicht nur, dass mir nichts passiert, auch dass ich meine Grenzen während des Spiels klar kom... Read full Story
It was while cutting across his back trailer park lawn around 7pm on misty July Saturday evening, when I first discovered that Mr. Parker was really a fag. How else could you describe a man wearing a long blonde wig on his head while below he wore only a large somehow stuffed pink lacey woman's bra ... Read full Story
The story of how I became what I am now...
I was on a trip to Germany with some of my friends. I was 16 when this happened. We went to a club one night and I got really drunk. They challenged me to approach a cute girl and ask her for a drink with me. I was drunk so I didn't really care so I went there and bought her a drink. We talked and I... Read full Story
Hello! Would it be possible to have you send an escort over? A beautiful escort. Not a plain looking woman but someone special, ok? .... Ok, got it. Thanks. I opened my door to a very very sexy woman. Dressed in a tight short dress that hugged her hips and accented her nice size titties. A very bea... Read full Story
Filthy Little Beast Part 2
Chapter 8 The first thing that struck me was pink! More pink satin than I thought existed in the entire world. The walls were covered in baby pink satin curtains, the plush carpet was also baby pink. Like all the other rooms in this house of the bizarre the ceiling as a full mirror. There was a h... Read full Story
Le premier jour du reste de la vie de Christopher Matthey, la matinée de Chris a commencé comme d'habitude. Le nettoyage de la vaisselle du repas de la veille était laissé à son père Alec qui ronflait, non pas dans sa chambre, mais sur le canapé où il s'était endormi en regardant la télé. Ch... Read full Story
The Shemale As A Figure in Art
The writer of shemale erotic fiction is doubly blessed-and doubly cursed-because he or she has to describe the best of both worlds: both female faces, breasts, legs, buttocks, and anus and penis, testicles, and scrotum. Although, overall, his or her protagonist must be not only feminine but, usu... Read full Story
Filthy Little Beast
I had very few memories of my early childhood. The ones I did have were anything but pleasant. I did remember my mother and her blind hatred of my father and myself. She was very tall blonde woman with cold blue eyes named Monica. My mother always dressed in the most expensive leathers and satins in... Read full Story
Showing Off For My Wife's Pleasure
There I was lying on my back, on the floor of a cheap adult bookstore. All I was wearing were 5" heels, black thighhighs, and a nipple chain. In one hand, I was jerking my throbbing shaved shaft while I was using my other hand to fuck my ass with a double headed dong. Cum was glistening on my f... Read full Story
It does not get any better than this
15 years ago, I went into my older b*****r's room to grab a porno mag. He had stacks of them all over the place. I wasn't too choosy. I picked the magazine off of the top of the pile that was closest to his bed and went into the bathroom. My usual routine was to open the mag, find a babe, pull out m... Read full Story
Shemale transformed in to a living sex doll and kept captive
I had connected with Master X on a BDSM Fetish contact site. He was the owner of a fetish store and he said that he had been on the BDSM for several years. He had carefully studied my own profile and had seen that I had an immense interest in being used like a slut, being covered head to toe in ... Read full Story
Caught and Used
I am a secret, heterosexual panty boy, that loves to dress up in my wife's lingerie when she is not around. My wife and I have two mutual friends named Mike and Mandy. Mike and Mandy had things stored in our garage while they moved. Well my wife had to go away for a day seminar for her company, and ... Read full Story
How I sucked my first shemale cock
It was the beginning of the year 2023, in January, three days after New Year's Eve. I was driving home in the morning from a party 100 miles away from my hometown. On the highway, after going half the distance, I received a notification from my dating app, and I was like, "Oh, a new match", I'll che... Read full Story
Heather in Leather
Dan walked into his video rental store and headed to the back section. As he moved past the curtain, he saw a good looking woman was also looking for some porn. It wasn't very often that he saw females in here, and he felt slightly uncomfortable. Starting on the opposite end of the XXX video shel... Read full Story
It doesn't get any better than this!
15 years ago, I went into my older brother's room to grab a porno mag. He had stacks of them all over the place. I wasn't too choosy. I picked the magazine off of the top of the pile that was closest to his bed and went into the bathroom. My usual routine was to open the mag, find a babe, pull out m... Read full Story
Foot fetish with a twist
I immigrated to the Green Bay area after I graduated College with a BA in Finance. A discipline that keeps you to yourself and you spend your day crunching numbers and write reports. I’m a very feminine woman, I love wearing lingerie and nylons, any type of nylons (pantyhose, thigh high, etc.) Aft... Read full Story
Hung Trans Lesbians Fuck Two Ladyboys
Note 1: If you like Transsexuals, Trans Lesbians, Asian Ladyboys, Big Cocks, Extreme Cock Sucking, Anal Fucking, Anal Fisting, Semen Swallowing, Role Play, Orgies, BDSM, Cock Sounding and Foot Fetish this story is for you. Note 2: All the characters are over 21. The names are fictitious, but some... Read full Story
And Life Goes On Part 2
So here I sit in my sexy black Miniskirt. The red silk blouse I am wearing shows off my ample sized breasts. Underneath I am wearing a red Satin corset which reduces my waist to a waspy 26 inches. I have on a pair of black satin panties with a matching black lacy bra. The red nylons I am wearing acc... Read full Story
Lesser of Two Evils
My name is Eric. At 21, I was working as the IT guy at a prominent Caribbean cruise company. My days were usually pretty boring. Fixing computer problems were usually a no brainer for me. People are so stupid when it comes to how they use their machines that I assume there will always be a need for ... Read full Story
Cindy and Juanita Kinky Shemales
Her name was Cindy and she had been born a male. Cindy was a beautiful woman is every way except one. She didn't like the term tranny and preferred being referred to as a shemale. She was truly happy living as a woman. She began taking light doses of hormones at 19 she had stopped hormones beca... Read full Story
My lifes story, which I want to share it with world!
Since my childhood very beginning every time when I see female to which I am attracted to, I imagine how I would go down on her, I just love to do enjoying it for hours. I am obsessed with cunnilingus and I do it with passion!... and then this happened... I'm still writing my full movie scene abo... Read full Story
Gemini Sluts and Gang
My good friend Renee and I had set up a double date gang bang for tonight now that she was finally out of the closet and ready. She has decided that life is too short to remain in the closet and miss out on all the fun. Renee and I have so much in common. Besides loving sex, we both have a fetish f... Read full Story
From Gloryhole Peegasm to Shemale
I was in a porn video booth. I young guy stepped into the next one. I was already jerking my small dick, but he didn't even pull his pants down. He asked me if I wanted my dick sucked. Actually I think he said something like, "hey, let me suck your dick." Recently I had let some weird, ... Read full Story
A Strange Romance
Although I was over qualified after I graduated and accepted a one as an Internet operations officer for one of the high street retailers. I was offered better jobs but I took the one with the retailers because it paid reasonably well and more importantly meant that I would have to relocate down to ... Read full Story
Lady In The House Chapter. 01
A story by MicheleNylons ( Man in jail is transformed to prison slut.) How had it come to this? I was dressed as a woman and standing in the far corner of a darkened cell on E Block of Chelmsford Correction Facility for Men, and waiting for the most dangerous inmate in the jail. How had a mild... Read full Story
Imagination 1
I imagine a going on a date with a hot girl and not knowing she has a dick. However, the minute we're in the hotel room that I rented, she places her right heel on the bed and I see her long slimy cock dangling. Man I get super rock hard while I get naked and on my knees and start sucking it. Non-st... Read full Story
Candy Pink
Life pretty much sucked. I was the son of Ralph and Cindy Cassella. They named me Ralph Junior and my dad was thrilled to have a son he could raise to live out his past glory. My dad wasn't a bad guy and never abused me but I knew he was disappointed. He worked as a contractor in the present but he ... Read full Story
Magic computer screen
Im at home watching porn rubing my nice big cock and then all of a sudden my computer screen falls over cuse i bumped it any way i goto the store to get it back from being fixed it looked good ass new but for some reson it looked fishy it was if it wasnt mine like they gave me the wrong wan but i th... Read full Story
Blossoming Shemale
My name was James. It was, before everything that happened, anyway. I'd come from pretty good stock, as the snooty, upper class would likely say. I guess I still did, although it would take a DNA test to prove it now, and to be honest, I didn't really have the desire. That was all before. I have to ... Read full Story
Jamie knew he was different. He didn’t fit in with the other boys, but he didn’t feel like he fit in with the girls either, he just knew he was different. He wasn’t into dolls or balls. He was the smallest boy in his class and more than half the girls outweighed him. But the one thing he had going f... Read full Story
About Jack and Diane
Thanksgiving was over the college kids are returning to school and Las Vegas has slowed down from the busy restaurants and overcrowded casinos. It’s the best time of year to see a nice show for less. Jack’s friends had all taken off with families and he had time to think about how lonely he really w... Read full Story
Bimbo Bombshell - Chapters 1-2-3
Bimbo Bombshell - Chapter One: Singled Out! Even though it was Friday, the bar wasn't particularly crowded that night. I never knew what hit me. This Gorgeous Blonde bombshell, starts flirting with me right a my table. I found myself wondering why this glamorous beauty, had chosen me. I was... Read full Story
Liberty meeting, chapter1
On a beautiful summer day, my phone rings. It's Steve, the boss of a transvestite company who calls me. - Hello Sandra, I have four new friends waiting for you at the club. - Thanks for thinking of me, I'll be right there, I said, hanging up. I am happy with his call because I always meet ... Read full Story