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BoyTrainers, Inc.

Peter was taking a long time in the shower again that morning. His mother pressed her ear to the door, and detected soft moaning.

Inside the shower, Peter stood, pumping his penis with his hand, eyes squeezed shut. He was a little underdeveloped for 18 – short for his age, and didn't seem to be going through the final stages of puberty just yet, but he was fantasizing about girls a lot lately. At this moment, he was thinking about Elizabeth, a girl in his senior high school class. Peter was always too shy to talk to her, but he loved to picture her naked in his mind. She had rather large, plump breasts for a young lady. Peter moaned and pumped, picturing her breasts and hips, as the soapy water ran down his body. "Mmm, Elizabeth," he muttered, and ejaculated onto the shower door.

His mother scowled, taking her ear from the door, and shaking her head as she walked back into the kitchen. She thought of her ex–husband, Peter's father, Steven. He used to masturbate in the shower, too! Her scowl deepened. 'In fact,' she thought, 'the bastard masturbated all the time, went to strip clubs, looked at pornography, and slept around, cheating on me. And then a few years ago, Steven up and left, leaving me and Peter alone.' She gritted her teeth.

'Well, Peter is an 18–year old boy now,' she thought. She reasoned that she probably didn't have to worry about him yet, but she hoped that he wasn't going to grow up to be like his father.

Later that day, the men broke into their home by kicking the front door down. Peter's mother screamed and ran for the phone in her bedroom, but by the time the Police came, they had taken Peter, and were long gone.

Peter woke up in a strange room, still a bit dizzy and confused from whatever they'd drugged him with. He was naked, in a bed somewhere, and his clothing was gone. He pulled himself out of bed, wondering exactly what was going on, and where he was. The floor was bare metal, as was all of the strange furniture. His naked feet felt cold as they pressed into the metal floor. He walked over to the full–length mirror, and looked at his naked self. He also tried the one door in the room, and found it locked. The place reminded him of a spacious prison cell, but with no windows.

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