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Shaffy and Me

I was on my way home and was just going by the park when I heard a lady scream and shout ‘help’ and being the knight in shining armour that I am, I went to investigate. When I entered the park I spotted a rather attractive blonde being forced over a bench by a long haired yob, so I yanked him off her and gave him a slap or two and he ran off.

She sat on the bench and held her head in her hands and said, “That bastard jumped me and when I fell over I twisted my ankle.”

Well, I helped her up and asked where she had to get to. She answered that she had spent a week with a friend and was on the way home when she stopped for a bit of fresh air as a break from her drive home, which was 200 miles away, but the ankle that she had twisted was her right ankle and she wouldn’t be able to drive home now. Being the gent, I offered to let her stay at my flat until she was able to drive and she happily accepted my offer. I told her my name was Ricky and she told me her name was Shaffy. I helped her to walk to her car and drove to my flat. I helped her into the flat, sat her in an armchair and offered to go collect her bag from her car and then she could have some of her spare clothes to change into, as her clothes had got dirty when she struggled with her attacker. Just before I left she asked if she could use my bath, as she felt a bit dirty.

I said “No probs, I’ll even go and run it for you now before I go and get the bag,” which I did.

When I got back she was still in the bath, so I started to make some food. She soon came hobbling out, wrapped in a towel, and said that she ached all over. I said that I have been told that I have magic hands and would happily massage her to try and make her feel better.

She said, “that would be nice but I am a bit different.”

But I said, “No probs, just slip on some undies and go and lay face down on my bed and I will come in and see what I can do.”

So off she went, and after a couple of minutes called that she was ready.

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