Historias gratis

Mi primera experiencia anal
Les voy a contar una historia muy excitante de mi vida Soy un chico muy curioso desde temprana edad, desde que tenía 9 años jugaba con mis primos a las escondidas por las noches o a las carreras y bueno ya saben cómo todo niño siempre busca conocer y saber cosas y sentir cosas, pues un día Estaba j... Lea la historia completa
A Perfect Pandemic: A Transsexual Transition in a Troubled Time
A Perfect Pandemic A Transsexual Transition in a Troubled Time A Novelette by Alexandra Rios Text Copyright Reserved © August, 2021 Dedication Transgender Day of Remembrance is a solemn occasion. I am offering “A Perfect Pandemic” for free as an antidote to the fear, phobia, discrimination, d... Lea la historia completa
Fun with a latina tranny
So I'm a big fan of a big tranny cock in my ass. Just throwing that out there early on here. So this past summer I decided that with my school being off I should get some tranny cock as fast as I could. I went on a site and set up a new account, hoping for the same luck I had a few months ago wit... Lea la historia completa
Minha primeira experiencia CD REAL [PORTUGUESE]
Não é uma ficção, essa é a minha história de verdade. Primeiramente, como toda história desse tipo, vou me descrever. Sou branquinha, 1,73 de altura, 60kg, magrelinha, meu corpo e rosto são um pouco femininos mas não tenho atitudes afeminadas, sou mais andrógeno do que femboy, olhos e cabelos casta... Lea la historia completa
Mi primo y yo (parte 3)
Hola otra vez hermosos!!!, hoy les contaré la siguiente parte para que entren en contexto lean las historias anteriores nenes :* así entenderán lo que a continuación les relatare. Bien una vez llegando a mi casa después de una noche riquísima con mi vecino Chris tome mi celular el cual había olvi... Lea la historia completa
Minha segunda experiência como CD [PORTUGUESE]
Olá, antes de mais nada quero avisar que minhas histórias são verdadeiras e que eu me descrevi na minha primeira história, por isso não o farei novamente. Minha segunda experiência aconteceu 6 meses depois da primeira, não disse qual idade eu tinha na época, então vou dizer agora, nessa história ... Lea la historia completa
La Entrevista (trabajo de mesera)
LA ENTREVISTA (Trabajo de Mesera) Esta historia es una gran fantasía que tuve por años, pero que ahora aunque a medias es una realidad. Krystal, una de las chicas que me ayuda con el maquillaje, varias veces me había hecho el comentario de que en el bar donde ella actuaba, necesitaban a una chi... Lea la historia completa
The BIG COCK that I will eat.
ENGLISH: Hello friends. In the link below, you can see the tranny cock that will fuck me in the days to come. I saw her advertised on the internet, I picked up the phone and called, I will see her when her clinical tests are negative for sexually transmitted diseases, because I will surely swallow... Lea la historia completa
Camming Down the Rabbit Hole Ch. 09
As per my previous mornings recently, I stirred and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, that delicious feeling of my silk night ware stretching over my taught nipples and my morning wood throbbing in its lace enclosure. The urge to touch myself was palpable, it seemed no matter how hard I came the night ... Lea la historia completa
Camming down the rabbit hole Ch5
I was jolted out of my sleep by the phone on my bedside table vibrating, bleary eyed I picked it up and saw a message from the couriers that a package would be delivered today around 4pm. The realisation that this was the package I had been waiting for and I could finally wear something else in my s... Lea la historia completa
Camming Down the Rabbit Hole Ch. 10
As the sun beamed in through a gap in the curtains my now familiar morning wood strained at the silk of my nightwear. How was it that no matter how hard I came the night before it would wake up eager and ready to go. As had become customary my mind would be filled with the events of the previous nig... Lea la historia completa
stream 28 dic 2022 , Primero que nada quiero agradecerte por estar otro año mas conmigo , mi familia y yo te agradecemos de corazón toda la ayuda que nos han bridado en todo este año , quiero deserte que pases una hermosa noche que tomes una cerveza o un trago por mi , que yo lo haré por ti , este a... Lea la historia completa
2 Faker, Eierlose, Blockierlistenuser und ein paar richtig geile
Freitags sind Fimia und ich an die Bi-Night im CW Volketswil gefahren. Als wir eintrafen, waren schon viele Freund:innen auf der Terrasse anwesend. Wir fläzten uns zu ihnen auf die Liegen und schon bald wurden allerlei Zärtlichkeiten ausgetauscht. Da wurde gefummelt, hier wurde geblasen und sogar da... Lea la historia completa
Candy's Treats
"Hi, I'm Candy," the pretty blonde Latina said to me as I sat alone in the casino bar. She had a nice pretty face and a great body with a store bought pair of dd's. I knew the moment she sat down that she was a pro. Five straight years in Vegas at the show had taught me how to spot them in... Lea la historia completa
Mi primera vez
Pues me presento, mi nombre es Ayline Julieta soy de Coacalco en el Estado de México, actualmente tengo 34 años y no tengo mucha experiencia, pero ya tuve mi primera vez y deseo platicarles como fue, espero sus comentarios y críticas constructivas. Iniciare como muchas de nosotras contándoles com... Lea la historia completa
La pistola NEGRA del Tío, entre Las Bragas de Mi Tía LA PUTONA
Aaayyy.. Yo sabía que la Tía había sido Flor de PUTONA.. pero, jamás me imaginé que me iba a tocar a mí 'hacerme cargo de sus cosas'.. su 'herencia'.. la casa ya vieja, por reordenar destinar y.. LAS COSAS que una descubre ya con los años! Todo estaba igual, pero HORRIBLEMENTE ARRUINADO.. más, e... Lea la historia completa
Emily and Steve Part 10
It took me a long time to get over Emily, but like all pain, eventually it past and I started to want to get into a relationship again. Before Emily, I had gone out and hooked up with t-girls from the local scene a few times, but never thought of anything serious. My time with Emily had taught me... Lea la historia completa
C'est ma première année à la fac, et c'est déjà devenu l'enfer à cause du harcèlement. Mon tyran Jordan se moque toujours de mon corps. J'avais atteint la puberté tard au lycée, et quand elle est arrivée, je n'ai pas vécu le changement impossible que les autres ont fait. Au lieu ... Lea la historia completa
"C'est jolie!" "Oooh... Sexy !" "Salope !" Ce ne sont là que quelques-uns des descripteurs que j'ai utilisés lorsque j'ai "fait du lèche-vitrines" en ligne. C'est l'un de mes passe-temps préférés. Aller sur divers sites de lingerie et regarder des soutiens-gorge, des culottes, des bas, des jarret... Lea la historia completa
Buying Time
It’s a hundred dollars to use the sex machine in the public restroom. Insert a couple of fifty-dollar coins into the payment slot to remain anonymous, though of course it’s more convenient to just let the data terminal do a neural scan and auto-debit your account. A hundred bucks buys... Lea la historia completa
la fièvre orgiaque d'une trans-mature
Simuler un femme, ou la fièvre orgiaque d'une transmature Voici deux mois que j'ai bougé vers la mégapole où j'ai découvert plusieurs lieux fréquentés par le troisième genre. Ma première exploration était un immense magazin de lingerie dans un centre commercial; je voulais m'offrir quelques trucs... Lea la historia completa
T PARTY ⚧️ ⚧️
"Ce serait génial ! A bientôt !" J'ai répondu avec enthousiasme avant de me déconnecter de l'appel Zoom. Je me suis souri lorsque l'image d'Ivanka a disparu de mon écran. Ivanka (en fait appelée Ira IRL) vient de m'informer d'un week-end de rassemblement pour les T ; Transsexuels et travestis. C'... Lea la historia completa
J'aime m'habiller. J'aime beaucoup me déguiser en femme. Cela dit, je suis un homme mais pas gay. J'adore le travestissement. Je fais du travestissement depuis des années et ma garde-robe s'est considérablement développée au cours de cette période. Le sentiment tabou de porter des vêtements fé... Lea la historia completa
Oneness with the bodies
many years went into just fantasizing being with shemales. I was getting hornier day by day to try it out. But being in a relationship there was hardly any room or time for it. I once experienced it in bangkok and confirmed that I really can do it and actually love it. One day suddenly it was br... Lea la historia completa
Bisexual Black Man's Paradise
The name is T.J. Brown. I'm an engineer working at Walpole, the toughest correctional facility in the state of Massachusetts. My days are spent reading books, exercising and occasionally tussling with other workers. The facility is undergoing some expansion and I'm the lead engineer on this gig, wor... Lea la historia completa
My 1st Time was Not the Only Time.
One late night after hitting the slopes and partying I left my friends birthday party feeling extra horny. It was about 6 or 7 in the morning now and after having no luck finding an escort I responded to an ad on craigslist posted by a trans woman. I figured two things, this dick isn't going to suck... Lea la historia completa
Am I gay?
Please help me. I'm confused and unsure if I am gay. I feel so ashamed of myself. I don't want to be gay but I was molested by my neighbors at 6 years old and from then on I would wear my mom's panties or sniff my sisters while masturbating. Cumming would always make me feel guilty for what I have d... Lea la historia completa
Not so much a story as cry for help
Here is a story that is not a story but a problem, looking for a solution and i can certainly use some help. So please read on, keep in mind, all that everything is the truth and it is all real. I have lived as a transgender person since i was very young, and truly feel i am a female in a male... Lea la historia completa
Camming down the rabbit hole Ch6
In the morning I decided to give the running a miss and do a long session with the DVD, my legs had become a little sore and tight so some extra stretches and yoga would really help. I once again surprised myself with how much more flexible I had become, the plug still in my ass giving me occasional... Lea la historia completa
My new Life with Pat. Part 2
While Jean was discussing with the lady from the next table i feel the didlo starting to vibrate and then something like a small ball move up and down into the didlo, it was a prostate massage. I saw Jean playing with a remote control, He increased and deacresed the frequency of vibration and the ... Lea la historia completa
SUBMISSA, ADESTRADA E BEM ALIMENTADA POR UM MACHO DOTADO Ha alguns dias atras, quase antes de começar essa coisa toda do Coronavirus e do povo ficar isolado em casa, eu tava voltando pra casa, já umas 11 da noite. Meu onibus, o ultimo, ia demorar ainda pra passar, não tinha ninguem na rua, tudo f... Lea la historia completa
Fin de una buena juerga
Hace algún tiempo, salí por Barcelona a tomar unas copas. Acabe en un after, de esos en donde coincide gente de todo tipo. Estaba en una calle del centro. El local se encontraba repleto y yo me hallaba también repleto de Whisky con coca cola. Estando en la barra se me acerco un chico que empezó a... Lea la historia completa
Freak House Superstar Come Fest
Kiki and Ty Blaze were doing their thing. They were living on their love and passion, literally. The couple had taken their love, passion and desire to please one another and turned it into their livelihood. They had become stars in the world of underground porn. Their production studio, Nasty Nigga... Lea la historia completa
Different 3some in Acapulco
My job in a large travel agency takes me every march to Acapulco for the Tianguis Turistico, (Mexico tourist fair) that takes place in this nice resort. I very much enjoy those trips, and especially the pole dancing bars, were I would hang out at least 2 or 3 times during my stay. Those places ar... Lea la historia completa
Il y a quelques années, à mi-parcours du premier mandat du président Pelosi, j'ai surmonté mon inclination habituelle à éviter les risques et j'ai accepté une invitation à visiter l'appartement de deux femmes - de parfaites inconnues - qui venaient de découvrir que j'aime porter des culottes. Becky ... Lea la historia completa
My Dominate Spanish Mistress Parts two and three
I wasn't going to write anymore for this story but i posted the first part of the story on 99chan's elit board which a recommend going to. Maybe with the help of some of you people writing or encouraging more writers on their stories the board might return to its former glory. After all some guy sa... Lea la historia completa
My Awkward Phase
My Awkward Phase ©Alexandra Rios 2019 The greatest lie is that what happens in high school doesn't matter, because life begins in college. I pretended to agree, although I never believed it, for I was the world's greatest liar. Wannabees I was hanging out with my friends Quinn, Barb and Anne ... Lea la historia completa
Alex se réveilla en sursaut. Il regarda son réveil et nota avec chagrin qu'il était 6h30, une bonne heure avant que son alarme ne soit censée sonner. Il détestait quand cela arrivait. Il avait de nouveau fait le cauchemar. Celui où le directeur de l'école l'a forcé à porter de la lingerie maigre, un... Lea la historia completa
La bonne chair masculine…
La bonne chair masculine… La brise caressait mes mamelons gonflés me donnant des frissons agréables. Les deux verres de Riesling avaient également contribué à mon excitation. Mon entre-jambe brûlait comme si le soleil qui disparaissait avait soufflé toute son énergie thermique dans mon intérieur... Lea la historia completa
Sissy and Horses
The scariest and best day in my sissy life, was when I was put in a box, tied up, an anal plug in my mouth and a huge bbc dildo in my ass. I was put in the box by my BBC master, who promised me a day of surprises.... I stayed in the box for some hours, my ass hurts of the giant bbc dildo, my mouth ... Lea la historia completa
Man or Mandy? Part 3
We showered together, washing each other. We spent as much time kissing as watching. I was spending much of my time on her incredible tits, getting them all soaped up, and then rinsing them off. We got dressed, hopped on my Harley and roared off towards an auto parts store. As went into the mainl... Lea la historia completa
His name was jason. he was just a workin class guy, not much in the way of looks, slightly longer hair than normal, somewhat athletic, and gifted with a 11 inch penis and good sized testicles.he would go out after work and survey the bars and theaters, goin to concerts or events and haveing fun. the... Lea la historia completa
My absolute ultimate fantasy
When I was growing up my pops had a auto repair shop out in the country right off the crossroad of two main highways we were never going to be rich but we were very comfortable When I graduated high school he gave me half of the business,so I could take over when he retiredThat first summer is one t... Lea la historia completa
I stared at the clock on the wall! Was I early or was she late? I'd made good time driving down to Carlisle because of my early morning start and the light traffic. That meant I was in the motorway services ahead of her. Who is she? Akiko is her name and we had been online lovers and associates f... Lea la historia completa
J'étais sur le point de quitter le travail tôt quand mon téléphone a sonné. C'était l'un des administrateurs de l'école. Ils ont également été mes secrétaires. « M. Caldwell ? Un étudiant est ici pour vous voir. Non, je n'avais jamais vu cet étudiant auparavant. L'étudiant n'avait pas voulu décrire ... Lea la historia completa
Duel With the Devil, Chapter 20 of The Greatest Liar
Duel With The Devil This is a work of fiction. All characters (including the narrator), celebrities, places, residences, neighborhoods, restaurants, legal agreements and proceedings, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any r... Lea la historia completa
Lola Chapter 2
Lola Chapter 2: A couple? It wasn't as if we were together. We had jerked off together once, and of course we slept in separate rooms, but I slept restlessly that night. Dreamed something scary that I couldn't remember in the morning. I didn't have work scheduled that day so I took it easy. When ... Lea la historia completa
Oggi in ufficio è arrivata la moglie del capo
In ufficio sono abitualmente usata da mio capo, ogni volta che ha voglia viene da me o mi chiama nel suo ufficio e mi usa per svuotare le sue palle, oggi arriva accompagnato da un biondona CIAO HELENA buongiorno LEI E’ MIA MOGLIE senza che io possa rispondere mi alza la gonna e le mostra la ... Lea la historia completa
La Mujer Trans más feliz del mundo.
- Porfavor, no pares Gaby! - Le gritaba yo, completamente llena de placer, mientras a 4 patas aguantaba sus grandes embestidas, a la par que mis grandes tetas chocaban entre sí. - Ya casi me voy a venir Juanita! - Dijo ella, mientras trás de mi daba todo de si para hacerme sentir en el paraiso, s... Lea la historia completa
Lola Chaper 3
Lola chapter 3 When Lola was on summer break from her law studies, I took the opportunity to take some time off as well. My job as a freelance film photographer gave me good opportunities to manage my time. I was in demand as a filmmaker and had more work than I could handle. Mostly shorter stuff... Lea la historia completa
Lola Chapter 5
Lola chapter 5 Summer vacation was coming to an end. Most of the time we had been to ourselves, mostly at home but also a couple of shorter trips. Beer tasting in Stockholm's archipelago, a trip to the west coast, overnight stays in hotels, everywhere we were received like any other couple. A fam... Lea la historia completa
Rassemblement d'alumni pas comme les autres; 2/2
... J'ai ouvert les yeux, dessoûlé de l'alcool et mais aussi de mes sensations de luxure. Simo était déjà parti. Je devais me préparer pour la fête, et ce, en homme!!! MAIS, la salope que je suis, pour rendre mes seins plus proéminents sous mon débardeur pourpre foncé, j'ai serré un sangle transpa... Lea la historia completa
Je m’appelle Xavier, 22 ans, étudiant sportif, pratiquant le rugby, 1,80 70 kg filiforme. J’ai du succès avec les filles de mon Age, mais depuis quelque mois mon regard se détourne vers les femmes matures, + de 40 ans environ, et ce soir j’ai mon premier rendez-vous avec Adèle, grande rousse dont j... Lea la historia completa
Passionate Sex with a Beautiful Shemale
a man and his shemale lover get down to business Will led Sarah by the hand into his bedroom. He closed the door as they entered and pulled her towards him. He placed his hands around her, caressing her toned stomach as he slightly nibbled on her earlobe. He could feel her trembling in his arms. Sa... Lea la historia completa
I started towards the local theater in my Chevy Corsica to see the midnight showing of some sort of vampire movie. I guess it was a love story where this one girl falls in love with a vampire and vice versa. Oh well... supposedly the books were popular, so might as well see what all of the hype is a... Lea la historia completa
Shemale Dating
We arrived late in our hotel room. The date was going well... but I didn't know what to expect, being new in shemale dating - I was excited and a little scared at the same time. She was a beautiful Latina: busty, dark exotic skin, fantastic lips; we couldn't stop kissing each other in the elevator. ... Lea la historia completa