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Lake Surprise

During my freshman year I had kept up contact with Tim through e-mail. He
was supposed to be back home after the end of the spring semester and
starting college at my university in the fall. I was interested in hearing
his stories and his exploits with those hot French women.

Rob and I walked from the parking lot down to the lake with the six packs
in hand. It was a warm clear night and the moon was full. We found Susan
and Beth and another beautiful girl on the pier and greeted them. I
introduced them to Rob and offered them a beer. Seeing as it was a warm
night, Beth and Susan were in shorts and tank tops. Rob whispered to me
that I was right about them being hot. We sat down and started drinking
and talking about old times.

I asked Susan if Tim had come home yet. She said that he wasn't back from
France yet. She then introduced up Sabina. Sabina I was told was Tim's
host sister in France and had come over to visit with Susan and Tim's
family for awhile. I guessed Sabina to be about 5'10 with long blonde hair
and a pretty face. She has nice small tits and long smooth legs. Susan
said that she doesn't speak much English and so she was pretty quite all
night. When she did speak her accent was sexy and alluring. All the time
we were talking with Beth and Susan, I couldn't take my eyes off Sabina. I
was hoping that before she left to go back to France, I would get an
opportunity to get into her pants.

The girls, obviously interested in Rob's good looks paid a lot of attention
to him. Rob is tall well-built guy. He is on the university rugby team
and has a powerful body. Many times during the year Rob and I would go out
the college bars cruising for women. We usually found some horny coeds and
ended up sneaking them back into our dorm room for some hot sex. Our dorm
room was pretty big and being somewhat jocks and used to seeing other guys
in the locker room, we had no problems being around other naked guys. This
made our dorm room escapades interesting, as Rob would be fucking his girl
across the room from me as I fucked my girl.

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