Gratis Geschichten

Bi-Night 18.09.24
Wieder war die Bi-Night im Cruisingworld Volketswil angesagt. Da Fimia und Andrea in Mykonos im Urlaub sind, habe ich mich allein auf den Weg gemacht und bin so gegen 16 Uhr eingetroffen. Eine nette Begrüssung am Clubeingang und schon ging es in die Garderobe. In der Garderobe sprach mich auch glei... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Aspen Brooks und der Morgenstern
Vorbemerkung: Ausgenommen aller Rechte an den Figuren des Luzifers-Universums ist diese Geschichte ist mein Eigentum. Vervielfältigung, Veröffentlichung auf anderen Seiten und außerhalb des Internets ist untersagt. Alle handelnden Personen sind über 18. Da es sich hier um eine Phantasie handelt, wi... Lese die ganze Geschichte
First Hotel Encounter
we met online and agreed to meet at a hotel. I was so nervous but excited to explore this very wrong side of sexuality. At the front desk, you had your arms around me kissing me deeply as you pushed up my skirt so the clerk could see my pink panty covered rear as he flashed you the "way to go p... Lese die ganze Geschichte
My Lady Boy Lover
I met Joliet through a mutual friend, I was the featured receptacle for the evenings generous donations of tyranny spunk. The evening was one to remember and where I met Joliet, Joliet is about five feet eight and one hundred sixty pounds well built like a sculptures dream. Light skinned and toned... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Beefy Buns
It's hard to get good help. Probably, that's true in any business, but it's especially difficult to find decent employees in the fast food racket. Believe me; I've tried. I manage the local Beefy Buns franchise--burgers, fries, and shakes is our mainstay, but the menu also features fish and chick... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Black Love: Transsexual Edition
My name is Steve Vincent. A big and tall young Black man living in the city of Brockton, Massachusetts. Currently, I'm a graduate student at the University of Massachusetts in downtown Boston. When I'm not in class, I work for the Department of Corrections. I'm openly bisexual, and love to have fun.... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Video Store
I would always go to ABS dressed as male.. this time..and all the times after this has changed me..I always loved the feel of sexy lingerie, I got myself all ready for my evening, had the new wig...took time putting the make up on, was smooth all over and feeling slutty. I put on my black jean mini ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Maddie and the unexpected visitor
Ding Dong Knock Knock Knock went the door. I hurried downstairs to open it. Standing there was an engineer dressed in blue overalls. A bearded mid forty year old. Quite handsome. Engineer: Hey, I’ve been doing some work in the area on some gas pipes. There seems to be a problem coming from the... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Carla Chapter 2
This is a grown up story for grown up people. If you're under 18 please don't read this. If you don't like to read stories about transsexual people, please don't read on. I have spent some time writing this story so please do not reproduce this in part or whole without my permission. I am happy to g... Lese die ganze Geschichte
My First Cock
I always knew I really was meant to be a girl. For a while I thought I was simply gay, but I loved wearing thongs and bras. I loved masturbating while pretending my asshole was a vagina. I never made it a secret. I'm very flamboyant and girly. I still managed to have lots of friends in high school. ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Fantasies Fulfilled
I enjoy crossdressing and do so when ever I can. About the only time I dress as a man is to go to work. I have been doing this since I was eleven years old. I love to have sex with a man as if I was a woman and really think I should have been born a girl. I think like a girl and naturally act like a... Lese die ganze Geschichte
A Revenge Fuck Part 2
Frankie had been a great sport about the entire affair. She had taken me in, she'd showed me how to become and be the beautiful woman, Josie- she had completely made me who I was, even against her will. And then she was also there to shoulder support in my emotional crisis when things did not work o... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Catching Up
It was with mixed emotions that I listened to the message on my voice mail. It was the familiar sound of Mark, a long time friend whose call I had missed earlier that afternoon. Now as I heard it, for the third time, I felt my stomach slowly relax from the uneasy twist that had taken hold the minute... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Shemale snapped
Camilla took a few steps out the door of her balcony to get a feel for the temperature. Thankfully it was cool out. It had been a hot day, which meant a cool night was welcomed. She closed the door and pulled out a pair of gold hoop earrings. She was suffering from a mild case of the jitters. The... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Black Transsexual Power Games
I give dick and my Black male bitches have to take it. No such thing as trying. You either take my dick up your ass or you don't. I smiled to myself as I thrust my ten inches of hard Black dick into the tight asshole of Richard Lucien. The big and tall young Haitian groaned as I fucked him. Well, th... Lese die ganze Geschichte
An Uncommon Summer Romance
It was my second-to-last week of summer vacation. I was lying on my back, legs wrapped around my hot new girlfriend’s slim hips. She was thrusting frantically in and out of me, her nipples thick pencil erasers grazing erotically against my chest. My breath was coming in spasms. My own cock was... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Duel With the Devil, Chapter 20 of The Greatest Liar
Duel With The Devil This is a work of fiction. All characters (including the narrator), celebrities, places, residences, neighborhoods, restaurants, legal agreements and proceedings, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any r... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Lola Chapter 2
Lola Chapter 2: A couple? It wasn't as if we were together. We had jerked off together once, and of course we slept in separate rooms, but I slept restlessly that night. Dreamed something scary that I couldn't remember in the morning. I didn't have work scheduled that day so I took it easy. When ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Feriengruss 20.07.24
Erneut ging es Outdoor, dieses Mal aber an die Thur zum FKK Baden. Nicht am bekannten Platz in Bischofszell, sondern an meinen geheimen Platz, zwischen Kradolf und Bischofszell, unterhalb von Halden. Ich habe erneut mit 5 verschiedenen Herren abgemacht, die mir in gut geplantem, zeitlichem Abstand... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Feriengruss 18.07.24
Um ähnliches, wie im folgenden Bericht, mit mir zu erleben, ist es notwendig, dass man sich sehr gut kennt. Alle Handlungen sind miteinander abgesprochen und es ist beidseitig ein tiefes Vertrauen vorhanden. Nicht nur, dass mir nichts passiert, auch dass ich meine Grenzen während des Spiels klar kom... Lese die ganze Geschichte
2 Faker, Eierlose, Blockierlistenuser und ein paar richtig geile
Freitags sind Fimia und ich an die Bi-Night im CW Volketswil gefahren. Als wir eintrafen, waren schon viele Freund:innen auf der Terrasse anwesend. Wir fläzten uns zu ihnen auf die Liegen und schon bald wurden allerlei Zärtlichkeiten ausgetauscht. Da wurde gefummelt, hier wurde geblasen und sogar da... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Mike der Pfleger
Mike der Pfleger Vorwort: Es handelt sich hierbei um meine allererste 'Sexgeschichte' die ich schreibe. Meine Schreibkunst befindet sich gelinde gesagt auf Amateurniveau. Die Geschichte ist frei erfunden und entspringt rein aus meinem perversen Gedankengut. Ganz nach dem Motto: 'Geschmäcker si... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Meine erste Erfahrung Teil 2
Ich knüpfe hier direkt an meine andere Erfahrung an, da ich glaube ich kann vielen die Angst nehmen ihren ersten Schritt zu wagen ;) Ich war zu diesem Zeitpunkt 16 und habe einen Tag vorher meinen ersten richtigen Schwanz im Mund gehabt. Diese Erfahrung die mir ein Bekannter meiner Cousine besche... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Sarah fucking in vienna
Sarah in Wien , sie nennt mir ein mir bekanntes Hotel in der Innenstadt, sowie eine feste Uhrzeit! Überpünktlich bin ich Vorort , komplett glatt , unter der Anzugshose einen schwarzen engen Nylon Slip , sneaker weißes Kurzarm Hemd, guter Duft , klopfe ich etwas nervös an der Zimmertür! Von innen k... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Marathon im Cruisingworld Kirchberg
Ich wurde um 11 Uhr bei mir zuhause von meiner Begleitung abgeholt, gemeinsam fuhren wir ins Cruisingworld nach Kirchberg. Angekommen, wurden wir sogleich nett begrüsst, danach ging es in die Garderobe und gleich ins Spiegelzimmer. Wir starteten den Tag zärtlich mit Küssen und Streicheln. Ich wurd... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Mein Traum 2
Hallo mein Gebieter, ich hatte einen Traum. Darin gehe ich mal wieder ins Duplexx in der Schönhauser Allee. Nach einigem Cruisen bleibe ich in einer Kabine stehen, lasse die Tür offen und stelle mich mit dem Rücken zum Eingang vor den Monitor. Ich gucke einen Shemale-Streifen und spiele etwas an ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Ein Traum von einem perfekten Cruising-Erlebnis
Die meisten Elemente habe ich bereits beim Cruisen erlebt. Aber die Kombination aus all dem mal un einer Begegnung wäre traumhaft. Ich stehe im Duplexx in einer der Kabinen. Wie üblich trage ich nur BH, Höschen, Hemdchen, enges Top und Halsband. Meine Brüste kommen gut sichtbar zwischen BH und T... Lese die ganze Geschichte
The Ultimate Slut Part 1
Vorbemerkung: Diese Geschichte ist mein Eigentum. Vervielfältigung, Veröffentlichung auf anderen Seiten und außerhalb des Internets ist untersagt. Alle handelnden Personen sind über 18. Da es sich hier um eine Phantasie handelt, wird an keiner Stelle „Safer Sex“ praktiziert. Viel Spaß! „Hey ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Die alte Sissy Sau und ihre Abenteuer
Ich warte darauf in den ARSCH GEFICKT ZU WERDEN Er hatte schon oft davon geträumt. Jetzt lag er da, seine Augen waren mit einer Ledermaske verbunden, seine Hände mit ledernen Riemen auf den Rücken gebunden. Er hört wie die Kerle die Türen verschließen. Seine Angst wird größer, das Blut pulsiert ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
My Fantasy Came True
Hello all I'm a trap or a CD or a Sissy anything you can call me.I can be your trap or Sissy. Here is my first BBC Gangbang. When I got my fantasy fuck.I'm a Sissy Bitch of my friend.He make my fantasy came true.So here's the story. Last week I got my First BBC Gangbang.It's... Lese die ganze Geschichte
e me suis transformé en un fétiche de travestissement de poule mouillée de Tumblr à l'époque. J'avais l'habitude de m'habiller avec la lingerie de ma femme, de regarder sissy hypno, de discuter avec des hommes. Mais j'avais besoin de plus. Donc, comme "cadeau gag" parce que je n'étais pas du tout sé... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Le rêve est mort. L'écriture était ma passion, mais cela n'a jamais servi à rien. La réalité a une mauvaise façon de vous rattraper, déchiquetant vos désirs dans son sillage. Ce cycle d'épargne et de vie de ces économies s'est progressivement révélé intenable et maintenant, à vingt-cinq ans, j'ai... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Freak House Superstar Come Fest
Kiki and Ty Blaze were doing their thing. They were living on their love and passion, literally. The couple had taken their love, passion and desire to please one another and turned it into their livelihood. They had become stars in the world of underground porn. Their production studio, Nasty Nigga... Lese die ganze Geschichte
My wife found out I also love cock
Even though I've been a tranny lover since I was 18 I ended up marrying Barb she had a set of tits and an ass built for speed. I never told her about my past nor did I pump her for her past. We had been married for a couple of months when I got that need for big black cock again so while Barb slept ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Additional Thoughts on Sodomy
Although, in the world (or worlds?) of pornography and erotica, it is politically incorrect, perhaps, to suggest that the body, whether male or female, is not built for anal intercourse, the fact is that anyone who has participated in this act (especially on the receiving end) or who has enjoyed wat... Lese die ganze Geschichte
First creampie
I was home alone, my gf was at work so I decided to dress up again and this time wear her make-up. I fealt so slutty I had to have some cock, so I invited a guy around who I know, hes nearly 50, and his cock was a nice 7 or 8inches. Anyway, when he came we went straight to the bedroom where he strip... Lese die ganze Geschichte
First Time Being a Woman
My heels clicked on the concrete path as I made my way toward the secluded toilet block in the southern parklands. Tonight would be my first experience being with a man whilst I would be dressed as a woman. I had been dressing now for some time and had fantasised about what it would be like. I didn'... Lese die ganze Geschichte
My first TG lover
I first met Holli at the gymnasium of our apartment complex. Since it was around 6:00 am on a Sunday morning, I didn’t expect to see anyone that early. At first just like we all do, the customary good morning, small talk, and it usually stops there, but there was just something that drew my attentio... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Latex succubus
The lights of the city obscured the supposedly brilliant starlight in the night sky, leaving only dim and scattered scattered stars adorning the gloomy night sky half-covered by dark clouds, and the crescent-like crescent moon guarding it in the distance makes the night seem less empty Lonely. Mayb... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Learning how to deep throat Part 2
Looking up at me from her kneeling position she said 'you aren't to let me choke my self on your cock, but you get the idea.' She stood up, I knelt down, she reminded 'make a fist with your thumb inside and squeeze tight, you will be able to take my cock in you mouth and possible your throat. I f... Lese die ganze Geschichte
My very first experience with my classmate
He was amused by the sight...of me in lingerie..standing on the porch,it was obvious he was in a shock (or state of extacy?) and couldn't take his sparkling blue eyes off my firm body inside the dress...he closed the door behind,like he was worrying if someone could see us ..I don't know why but i f... Lese die ganze Geschichte
An Unwelcome Visit
It had been over a year since I had split from my boyfriend, Rick. We had a terrible row in which he had accused me of seeing another man. He walked out, never to return. I had tried to give up wearing girls' clothes afterwards in an effort to become a 'normal' person and to try to blot out some bad... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Crossdresser Lovemaking
Oh Daddy, I'm your little princess! Your wife is out taking your kids to a sleep-over at a friend's house across town and we're in your bedroom. I long for you to see me with bursting lust, and I take off my coat to reveal myself wearing a white tutu with bra, panties, stockings and h... Lese die ganze Geschichte
My 1st Time was Not the Only Time.
One late night after hitting the slopes and partying I left my friends birthday party feeling extra horny. It was about 6 or 7 in the morning now and after having no luck finding an escort I responded to an ad on craigslist posted by a trans woman. I figured two things, this dick isn't going to suck... Lese die ganze Geschichte
My Awkward Phase
My Awkward Phase ©Alexandra Rios 2019 The greatest lie is that what happens in high school doesn't matter, because life begins in college. I pretended to agree, although I never believed it, for I was the world's greatest liar. Wannabees I was hanging out with my friends Quinn, Barb and Anne ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Liberty in Lisbon Part 2
So here I was walking down the Av da Liberdade feeling very pleased with myself. I had just thoroughly enjoyed an experience I thought would only ever be in my dreams and, the best part, there was more to come [cum]. In fact I found myself humming the 59th Street Bridge Song. Life I love you feeling... Lese die ganze Geschichte
A Perfect Pandemic: A Transsexual Transition in a Troubled Time
A Perfect Pandemic A Transsexual Transition in a Troubled Time A Novelette by Alexandra Rios Text Copyright Reserved © August, 2021 Dedication Transgender Day of Remembrance is a solemn occasion. I am offering “A Perfect Pandemic” for free as an antidote to the fear, phobia, discrimination, d... Lese die ganze Geschichte
The Seductive Seed of a Tranny MILF
The Seductive Seed of a Tranny MILF SugarandSalt Jackson got home and immediately curled up in bed. He didn't want to move for the rest of the weekend. He'd finally worked up the courage to ask a co-worker out at work. She politely rejected the invitation. Then later on in the day, Jackson spo... Lese die ganze Geschichte
My girlish desires
My girlish desires, I am happy to spend my weekend at home to live my life as a woman. I apply a depilatory cream to my body, which I leave to act for a few minutes before going in the shower. I take this opportunity to do an enema to avoid unpleasant surprises during my girl games. Then, using ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Regina's Vagina dreams
I think I wanted to be a female from birth. I once looked through a girlie magazine out of curiosity. I had impossible dreams and I longed to trade genitalia with them. I have always fantasized about my Vagina when I was younger. It was during those times that I would drift into my own private world... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Passion in the Rough
Tonight, I was searching in vain for a parking place close to the club, but unfortunately, I had arrived late and there were no empty spaces close by. I drove around and went down several streets in the same block until I found an empty spot. That was perfect I thought as I found a parking place and... Lese die ganze Geschichte
The Three of Us
Imagine you are a lonely person on the inside, and just wanting all your life to be loved for who you are. Holli Artigas, was just that person. Wondering whether her obsession with Jon Silva, a football star, was from a casual encounter, or was she truly fond of him? Growing up in the Sao Paulo, ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
the orgiastic fever of a trans-milf
Simulating a woman, or the orgiastic fever of a trans-milf It's been two months since I moved to the megapolis, where I've discovered several places where the third gender goes. One of my first explorations was a huge lingerie shop in a MALL; I wanted to buy some sexy stuff without being noticed ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
la fièvre orgiaque d'une trans-mature
Simuler un femme, ou la fièvre orgiaque d'une transmature Voici deux mois que j'ai bougé vers la mégapole où j'ai découvert plusieurs lieux fréquentés par le troisième genre. Ma première exploration était un immense magazin de lingerie dans un centre commercial; je voulais m'offrir quelques trucs... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Angel & Victoria
Angel was a beautiful young girl living with two of her best friends, Monica and Amanda. All were transsexual, and the three shared everything together, from clothes, their sexy intimates, lovers, and each other's bodies. Angel was the youngest, at 23, a Japanese anime lover and the most... Lese die ganze Geschichte
First Time Dressed… at an Electronica Concert
I had been dressing as a girl to get off for some time now. For some reason there is nothing that turns me on more than a tight little cotton thong stretched across the bud of my asshole, holding my tiny little boy toy down where it should be. Over the years I’ve slipped into my mom and sister... Lese die ganze Geschichte